Undine and the Nightmare

Undine finds herself trapped by the evil Goops in a nightmare. Fortunately, she's not alone. Guide Undine and friends to puzzle  your way through several dreamscapes, very carefully!

The Game

Undine and the Nightmare is a Sleepless Domain fangame made in RPG Maker MZ, for the Sleepless Domain community game jam 2025. Contains custom art, music, and a fully original story.

You can save anytime from the menu. There are two endings, a normal ending and a secret ending. You will be prompted to save your game before going into the sequence that unlocks the secret ending, so you don't have to play the whole game twice.

While this game can run on mobile, be warned, it's likely to be very slow, and the controls will be touch-only, which may cause you to be imprecise. 
This is intended to be a PC game you play with a keyboard for precision, either in your browser or downloaded directly onto your computer.

The Team

This game was created in collaboration by:

  • CrypticSky
  • Kate D
  • Klefknir
  • PrincessLapis

Full credits are included in the game.



Arrow keys or WASD (reconfigurable), but also has click/touch/gamepad controls. Uses the basic RPG Maker MZ controls.


You can use tab to open the magic menu, on keyboard only. Otherwise, click on the star icon. Jumping also has a shortcut button, but no shortcut key (just use tab -> enter).


The game contains tutorials in the main menu, please check them out.

Known issues:

Opening the menu while falling can break Follower animations. This is a purely visual effect, but can’t seem to be fixed by code, so please just try to avoid doing that.


UndineAndTheNightmarePCBuild.zip 143 MB

Development log

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